
Help alpine professionals remain active within their career by supporting the Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation mission.

The Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation is a private foundation that meets the requirements of the United States Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). Contributions made to the foundation by individuals and corporations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

If you wish to make a donation, you may do so via paypal, check or wire transfer.

To make a donation via paypal please click the following button:


To make a donation via check, please make the check out to the Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation and mail it to:

Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation
PO Box 2070
Telluride, CO

To make a donation via wire transfer, please email the foundation at

Thank you. We sincerely appreciate your support of our mission.

Featured Testimonial

"My acceptance by the Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation for financial assistance enabled my broken collarbone repair at the Steadman Clinic in Vail Colorado. The care I received and the quality of service provided by the Steadman Clinic was top notch! I’ve had previous orthopedic surgeries and have always been happy with it, though the way they went about their business at the Steadman Clinic raised the bar! I would not have been fortunate enough to receive care there were it not for the generosity extended by the Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation. I’ve had complete recovery and after breaking a collarbone into several pieces, I was able to get right back to work (with NO lingering problems) just 8 weeks after my surgery! I was back, guiding Denali carrying my normal 100 lb. load and the collarbone was not a problem. Thanks so much to the Steadman Clinic! As I said, this incredible care was possible for me only because of the assistance of the Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation. In addition to their unbelievable generosity, they were eager to help me out and extremely easy to work with. If you’re like me, you may have numerous revenues streams from various guiding and instructional work AND bookkeeping is not something that is in my wheelhouse. They made it incredibly easy for me to apply and let me know exactly what information they needed to process my application. It all took just a few days to complete. They could not have been better about prompt response and patience with my application challenges. I received their financial assistance seemingly immediately. They were so great! I’m deeply indebted to their gratitude and will be forever thankful for their help in getting my career back on track in a hurry after what could have been a lengthy if not permanent derailment. "

- Vince Anderson

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