Meg Nelson
Date of Surgery: 3/11/2013
Update (6/2014): Meg returned to ski instructing full-time last winter.
About Meg
I was born in Newport, Rhode Island. I came to Breckenridge, Colorado the fall after graduating from the University of Vermont in 2007. I decided I wanted to “try my shot” ski instructing… for just ONE year. It is now year SEVEN. Moving to and working in Colorado turned out to be one of the best things I’ve done for myself. The friendships, opportunities, and life-lessons I’ve gained are immeasurable.
Career Background
My passion for skiing was significantly influenced by my father. He put me on skis at age two. I remember telling him as a teenager, “I think I want to be a ski instructor.” It turns out I wasn’t kidding. I began ski instructing in Breckenridge the winter of 2007. Over the past 6 seasons instructing, I have attained both my Level Two Alpine Certification and Level Two Kids Accreditation.
Treatment Procedure and Recovery Plan
I was injured training for my Level Three Alpine Certification last season, January 2013. I completely tore my MCL and fractured my tibia plateau. In March, I underwent knee surgery at The Steadman Clinic for MCL reconstruction. I spent 4 months on crutches, non-weight bearing. I’m back instructing at Breckenridge for the 2013-2014 season. My future plans are to attain my Level Three Alpine Certification, and work towards becoming a Kids Trainer.

"Without the help of the Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation, I wouldn't have been able to continue doing what I love."
- Meg Nelson