Reggie Crist
Date of Surgery: 9/22/2011
Update (3/2013): Reggie is on his way to Alaska and will guide with SEABA for the remaining months of winter.
About Reggie
Reggie currently lives in Sun Valley, Idaho where he continues to guide and work for a number of ski industry companies (including K2 and Eddie Bauer). During the off season, Reggie enjoys kayaking, surfing and spending as much time as possible with his 3 year old daughter, Jayden.
Career Background
Chasing snow around the globe has been Reggie’s occupation for more than 20 years, with a job description that reads more like a travelogue. His journey began with 10 years of World Cup Downhill ski racing experience before turning his attention to the evolving sport of Ski Cross (SX). In 2005, Reggie became the first repeat SX champion at the X Games. Competitive success opened the door for a career in filming as well as guiding in the big mountains. Reggie is currently a lead guide at SEABA heli operations in Haines, Alaska.
Treatment Procedure and Recovery Plan
On Sept 22, 2011, Reggie underwent left shoulder surgery performed at the Steadman Hawkins Clinic. where they utilized the CAM procedure, a new technique that was developed to restore arthritic joints. In Reggie’s case, foreign bodies (bone chip and floating cartilage) were removed while a bone spur was alleviated creating increased space and mobility in the joint capsule.
Reggie admits, “I was surprised when I woke up from surgery and the physical therapist was already moving my shoulder with increased mobility.” Now 6 weeks later, Reggie is relatively pain free and focusing on regaining 100% strength. His goal is to be skiing when the mountain opens for Thanksgiving and to complete the AMGA Ski Guides course in January.

"I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with the best medical staff in the world and I'm grateful that the Kees Brenninkmeyer Foundation made it all possible!"
- Reggie Crist