Viren Perumal
Date of Surgery: 10/30/2012 and 2/19/2013
Bilateral Hips
Update (9/2013): Viren completed a 3 week trip in Canada to train for his upcoming Alpine Guide Exam.
About Viren
I am a Rock and Alpine Climbing Guide living in the eastern sierra of California. I started rock climbing in the Southeast and had my first guiding job when I was 18 at single pitch sandstone crags but always dreamed of being in the bigger mountains. I went to college in western Canada and learned how to ski, ice climb, and alpine climb in the rockies and have been finding jobs in the outdoor industry ever since then to keep me in the mountains as much as possible.
Career Background
I started as a rock guide in the new river gorge in West Virgina, but had my first mountain guiding job for the American Alpine institute in 2006. Guiding peaks and climbs in the Cascades, Canada, Red Rock, Joshua Tree, The Sierra, and on Denali. After obtaining my Rock Guide Certification through the AMGA I moved full time with my Wife Julie to Mammoth Lakes – and the Eastern Sierras that we had fallen in love with and I became a full time guide with Sierra Mountain Guides. I also teach several alpine courses through the Prescott College Adventure Education Program and get to educate young alpinist in the Sierra, as well as month long courses on high altitude peaks in South America. My Future plans include finishing up exams in the alpine discipline and courses and exams in the ski discipline to gain certification as an IFMGA/ UIAGM guide.
Treatment Procedure and Recovery Plan
I had arthroscopic surgery on both my hips for a condition know as Femoral Acetabular impingement. I had laberal tears in both my hips and bones that would grind together which limited my range of motion. I was on crutches and non weight bearing for a total of 14 weeks last fall, and am currently recovering by trying to build back strength that I lost during that healing process but am back to guiding in the alpine this summer.

"If not for the foundation I would not have been able to receive the care that I did from the orthopedist that has done more of these specialty surgeries than anyone else. Even though I had insurance they would not cover much of this treatment as it was out of network and the insurance hoops are daunting. I had put off getting my treatment done for years and have guided with pain and tightness….the foundation gave me the ability to get things taken care of and prevented me from having further damage that could have resulted in a full hip replacement."
- Viren Perumal